The Special Program for Sports aims not only to develop the talents of the youth in sports but also in the areas of leadership and good sportsmanship. Through intensive athletic training balanced with a stringent requirement of academic excellence, we hope to develop athletes of tomorrow who will conquer local and international sports competitions.
The school shall offer a 4-year secondary level curriculum based on the Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) with specialization in Sports. The program aims to develop talents and potentials of students with special inclination to different sport events.
The school shall offer swimming and/or athletics in addition to any of the following sports, minimum of 5 individuals/dual sports and 3 team sports.
Archery, Arnis, Badminton, Chess, Gymnastics, Lawn Tennis Table tennis, Taekwondo Dance Sports
Baseball,basketball, Football,Sepak Takraw, Softball,Volleyball
Grade Requirement with a general average of not lower than 75% and no failing grade in any subject.
The SPS shall be open to all high school age students of Filipino descent.
The student of SPS shall comply with the following requirements/qualifications;
The students shall be assessed/evaluated according to their performance, attitude and written outputs.
a. Performance | 50% | |
Skills test - | (15%) | |
Progress Chart - | (15%) | |
Participation or Involvement (in Class Activities/Sports Competitions)- | (20%) | |
b. Attitude (attendance, Punctuality,Sense of responsibility, etc.) - | 25% | |
c. Written Outputs | 25% | |
Quizzes/Unit Test - | (10%) | |
Periodical Test - | (15%) |
To be retained in the program, a student shall: