In its one hundred years of existence, Regular BEC Class of the INNHS enables young people to pursue their potential and destiny in the global community and continuously providing quality basic education to lay the foundation for life long learning and service for the common good.
Scores are recorded as raw (not transmuted) and totaled at the end of grading period (student’s score/highest possible score X 100). Final Grade in every subject is the average of 4 periodical grades. Grades are based on assessment specified in PSSLC, 60% basic items, 30% medium, level items (Higher level skills) and 10% difficult items (distinguishing fast learners) Non-traditional assessment (open-ended questions, performance-based portfolio) are encouraged to complement traditional assessment.
A student who fails in less than 3 units is promoted to the next level. S/he is advised to enroll summer class in the failed subjects or to take back subject during the next school year while taking the basic course requirements. Failure in three or more units retains the student in the same level. This means that he or she is required to remain in the current year level s/he is in and retake subjects s/he failed in and shall be given advance subjects for the next year level.